Meditation & Yoga Center:
CSE south county meditation center

Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208  •  •  Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA  95020 

September 25, 2017

Lahiri Mahasaya:  A Teacher Who Changed Our Lives

Paula Whang-Ramos

"All the subtle qualities of divinity and righteousness are enshrined within our soul...

the attributes of purity and holiness are not perceived by the senses, they are felt within the innermost self."
~ Lahiri Mahasaya

In our tradition of Kriya Yoga, we are blessed with awakened teachers who embody and offer teachings of spiritual freedom in a world that may not always feel free. Spiritual freedom emerges from within when we learn to access and live in a peace and divine Wholeness that is deeper than our reactive, fear based mind. In spiritual study and practice, we can directly access the inner divinity, purity and essential holiness that indwells us all.

Lahiri Mahasaya is one of the beloved teachers in our teaching tradition at CSE and BLC. Unlike traditional monks, Lahiri was a living example of how to embody and share the peace, love and wholeness of the One, in his marriage, his parenting, and his work life. Known as the Father of Kriya Yoga, Lahiri played a critical role in freely making yogic teachings available to everyone in the USA and the world. Join us this Wednesday evening as we honor this beloved teacher, listen to his inspirational wisdom, and meditate in the spiritual freedom that he helped make available to all.

Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center this week and gift yourself a time of meditation, inspiration and uplifting fellowship with other sincere seekers committed to living in spiritual freedom and peace. Learn and experience universal spiritual practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

September 18, 2017

Be the Victor of Your Life!

Paula Whang-Ramos

"Emotional maturity (is) indicated by cheerful willingness to be responsible for one's thoughts, moods, behaviors,

and the effects of mental states, states of consciousness, and habitual or intentional actions."
~ Mr. Roy Eugene Davis

When we become overwhelmed with all that is going on in our minds, our lives, our country and our world, it can be too easy to attribute our negative states of consciousness and emotional reactions to undesired circumstances in our lives. Often this perspective increases our distress, as we give the power of our well-being over to the very situation that we find so aversive. From this scenario, we become the victims, not the victors, of our own life story!

As we progress on the spiritual path, we mature from blaming something or someone outside ourselves for our reactions, to reclaiming accountability for our own awareness, emotions, reactions, thoughts, words, and actions, and their power over us. We mature from guilt to gratitude for the power within us to consciously redirect our attention and awareness to states of being that are supportive of our essential wholeness. When we consciously reclaim the divine power of life that flows through us all, we can live in the freedom of inner peace, clarity and wholeness as the basis from which we consciously respond to life circumstances. We become the victors of our life story!

Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center this week and gift yourself a time of meditation, inspiration and uplifting fellowship with other sincere seekers committed to living in the freedom and integrity of the soul. Learn and experience universal spiritual practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

September 11, 2017

Live From Your Soul Force

Paula Whang-Ramos

"Satyagraha does not depend on outside help; It derives all its strength from within."
Mahatma Gandhi

September 11, 2017 marks the 111th anniversary of Satyagraha, Gandhi's commitment to nonviolent resistance. Satyagraha has many English translations, including "upholding truth". The Satyagraha meaning that touches my heart is "love force" or "soul force", as an alternative to the brute force that Gandhi and thousands of others experienced.

When we commit to living from the indwelling force of love in our soul, we proactively commit to live in the highest way, even in the face of challenging circumstances. Our thoughts, words and actions are more than emotional reactions to life altering natural events, or to a person or group who thinks, speaks or behaves differently from us. In Satyagraha, we rely on the indwelling soul force to clarify our thoughts, words and actions into lives in peace, love and wholeness for the benefit of all beings.

In the energy of Satyagraha, join us at Blue Lotus Center this Wednesday evening as we meditate and offer prayers for all those affected by the natural events of the past several days. Let Gandhi's life work serve as an example of the power of soul force to join us and guide us into Wholeness, even in the face of very challenging circumstances.

Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center this week as we continue our commitment to return to peace. Make your own Satyagraha offering by living from your indwelling love and soul force. Meditate with us at the Blue Lotus Center. Learn and experience universal spiritual practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

September 4, 2017

Pray and Act

Paula Whang-Ramos

"Kindness is contagious...pray and act."
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

This has been an incredibly difficult week for our friends and family in Texas and Louisiana. Although we may feel powerless as we witness continued severe weather, it is important to remember that we are not powerless. Now is the time to use our divinely blessed power to redirect our thoughts, words and actions in support of our Gulf neighbors.

In the spirit of Oneness, I offer this
special message below from Yogacharya O'Brian - who offers ways that we can support our friends and family in the Gulf coast:

"...pray and act. Let us remember our brothers and sisters in our prayers now daily. Light a candle for them as you affirm how vast the resources of divine love and compassion are. Consider how everyone is held in this divine embrace. We must not underestimate the power of prayer to lift each other up.

After prayer, act. Do whatever you can to assist. Right now, we can offer our energetic support by donating. Dave Cortese, our County Board of Supervisors President, offers the following information about how to support relief efforts:

Local residents are encouraged to make contributions directly to the Greater Houston Community Foundation by using one of the following contribution methods:

Online Credit Card Donations: Visit Online credit card donations will be assessed a small fee, typically 3%, by the credit card companies. Donors have the option of increasing their credit card donations to cover this fee.

Checks/Money Orders: Mail to the Greater Houston Community Foundation at 5120 Woodway Drive, Suite 6000, Houston, TX 77056. 

Return to peace. Meditate with us at the Blue Lotus Center. Learn and experience universal spiritual practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world.
The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.