Meditation & Yoga Center:

CSE south county meditation center

Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208  •  •  Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA  95020 

February 24, 2019

Opening To Abundance

Paula Whang-Ramos

"...grace is built into life. Our lives are grace-filled already.  It arises within us, through us, and around us.  Every moment is permeated with grace."
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, The Jewel of Abundance, pg. 61

We may have a belief that we have to work to earn abundance and prosperity in our lives. If there is no pain, then there is no gain. This belief is based on the assumption that prosperity is not already present in our lives, and that a level of suffering is required to earn it. Conversely, ancient yogic teachings remind us of the essential wholeness that abides within and around us - right here, right now. The "work" we have to do to realize this grace-filled abundance, is not the effort in "earning" it. Rather our work lies in UNlearning the false belief that we are less than whole, and unworthy of the abundance that waits to be realized by us right now.

This Wednesday, in our spiritual book study of Yogacharya O'Brian's newest book, The Jewel of Abundance, we will explore practical ways to realize our essential wholeness, happiness and the grace that supports us through our lives of awakening. This Thursday, in the Living Peace Group, we will dive into the practice of nonharming - the foundational practice for the peace realized in yoga and meditation. Join us for a time of meditation, contemplation and exploration into the grace filled abundance and peace that waits to be realized by us all now.

Meditate with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study and be inspired in a meditative community committed to live in the jewel of abundance that indwells us all. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Individuals from all and no faith traditions are welcome at all gatherings. All are welcome.

Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.

February 17, 2019

Claim Your Jewel Of Abundance Now!

Paula Whang-Ramos

"Go in. Sit. Remember. It only takes a moment to reorient our attention. When we do, we open ourselves
to the graceful flow of inspiration, strength, insight, and peace.  It's there within us, awaiting our conscious recognition."

Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, The Jewel of Abundance, pg. 71

We are blessed with 2 opportunities to realize abundance in action in our lives. First, this Friday is a soul nourishing evening with Yogacharya O'Brian. Yogacharya will be sharing readings and inspiration from her new book, The Jewel of Abundance. We will also have an opportunity to chant with the master musicians and students of Baba Hari Dass and our beloved spiritual friends from Mt. Madonna Center. This event will be held just over the hill in Santa Cruz. Invite your friends and gift yourself an evening of spiritual abundance! Please contact BLC asap if you are available/interested in carpooling. To register online and receive the discounted admission, click here.

Also, in divine timing, this Wednesday at BLC, we will begin our spiritual book study of The Jewel of Abundance. Join us as we open into the rich inspirational teachings and practical applications of ancient yogic teachings to intelligently guide us into the jewel of abundant peace, love and wholeness that indwells us all. Bring your spiritual journal and inspired themes, inspirational quotes, a useful practice, personal insights, and questions revealed to you through your reading of each chapter. On each page, look for that jewel of peace, joy and wholeness waiting to be remembered by you now. Join us for a time of meditation, inspiration, and personal reflection in our supportive spiritual community. All are welcome.

Meditate with us at Blue Lotus Center. Awaken, study and be inspired in a meditative community committed to live in the jewel of abundance that indwells us all. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Individuals from all and no faith traditions are welcome at all gatherings. All are welcome.

Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.

February 10, 2019

Attuning To Higher Guidance

Paula Whang-Ramos

"With the skills of superconscious meditation, we learn to direct our attention at will,

hone our power of discernment, and inwardly attune to higher guidance."
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, The Jewel of Abundance, pg. 121

Imagine being able to witness your emotional reactions without becoming overwhelmed by them. Imagine being able to realize life stories and roles you have lived without being limited by them. Instead, what would our lives be like if we could actually hear and be guided by the still small voice of clarity and integrity that indwells us all? Meditation is the ancient time-tested practice that helps us have ears to hear inspiration and insight into the inner peace, love and wisdom that waits to be heard by us. From this deeper level of awareness, we can learn to recognize when we are getting caught up in our stories of limitation, and to choose a more spiritually conscious way of responding instead.

Join us this Thursday for "Learn to Meditate" class and learn a simple, ancient technique of meditation, or join us and refresh your meditation practice. Begin or continue reading The Jewel of Abundance, in preparation for our upcoming book study group, Living In the Flow Of Abundance. In this group, we will dive into meditation practice and meditative living in the essential wholeness that underlies every single circumstance, experience, relationship, story and role in our lives. Meditate, study and be inspired in a meditative community committed to live in the jewel of abundance that indwells us all. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Individuals from all and no traditions are welcome at all gatherings. All are welcome.

Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.

February 3, 2019

 Our Power To Choose Love Or Fear

Paula Whang-Ramos

"Arriving at that chasm stretching between the small self and the great Self is a moment of profound grace.

What does this moment hold? Love and fear, Self-knowing and doubt, courage and resistance.
Which will we choose?"
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, The Jewel of Abundance, pg. 92

In Yoga, the opportunity to choose love, Self-knowing, and courage is always available to us. This is because these divine qualities are always present within us. They are not present during good times and absent during challenging times. As individual expressions of Wholeness, these Wholeness qualities flow through our lives all the time. Regardless of where we are on our path of awakening, this choice is offered to us in each thought, word, action and moment. Will we choose to live in the inherent peace of Yoga Oneness, or will we choose to live in the doubting mind's fear of the unknown and resistance against that which it cannot control? We have the power to choose this trajectory in our lives.

This month save the dates and join us at BLC for the upcoming spiritual book study of Yogacharya O'Brian's newest book, The Jewel of Abundance. We will explore how the ancient teachings and practices of Yoga can help us learn to choose to live in the love, wisdom and courage that we are and that is needed in the world now.

Join us at Blue Lotus Center. Wake up, grow up and show up with us. Experience a time of meditation and spiritual contemplation. Study, meditate, and grow with others devoted to thriving in peace, love and wisdom. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community and our world. Individuals from all and no traditions are welcome at all gatherings. All are welcome.

Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.