Acharya Vandana's  Weekly Inspirations

Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208  •  •  Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA  95020 

“If anything disturbs your peace, practice having faith that divine grace is already actively at work restoring wholeness and well-being.

Then make any necessary adjustments in harmony with that insight.”
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

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January 28, 2024

Live A Meditative Life
​Paula Whang-Ramos

Look within. Listen within. Be open, receptive, and curious. Contemplate your essential nature. 
Steadiness in meditation naturally flows into Oneness… Consciously rest in being
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian The Jewel of Abundance, p. 131

In this tradition of Kriya Yoga, we do not meditate for the sake of meditation. Nor do we meditate to become more spiritual or more peaceful or more wise. Our meditation practice is a method to calm the undisciplined mind. In meditation, we repeatedly return our attention and awareness to a single point of focus to help quiet the inner mental chatter. As the mind becomes more still, we can rest in our true nature as spiritual beings. 

As we open into our soul's wholeness, we can directly experience the benefits of meditation in our daily lives. We may be less emotionally reactive and more joyful, less stressed and more grateful. Instead of living from the mind, we are living in our hearts. We recognize and appreciate divine blessings and grace in our lives, even during challenging moments. We experience the peace, love, and wisdom revealed in living a meditative life. 

Join us at Blue Lotus Center onsite (Wednesday evenings only) and online (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Experience a time of meditation, study, contemplation, and divine remembrance in a spiritual community devoted to realizing and thriving in our innate peace, love, and wisdom. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Kriya Yoga Meditation Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

January 21, 2024

Take That Step
Paula Whang-Ramos

“Whatever it is we dream to do, the way we bring forth our divine potential is to begin. We take the first step and invite divine grace to meet us.” 
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian The Jewel of Abundance, p. 62

One practice I find useful to consciously enter into the divine potential of the new year, is to open into the limitless “both-and” consciousness of the soul, instead of the limiting “either-or” of the mind. In either-or thinking, we can wrongly believe there are only 2 ways to experience our divine potential. I must either do something perfectly by myself, or I have failed. Can you feel how that limited thinking restricts the possibility of fulfillment, joy, or awakening before we even begin?

Conversely when we hold divine potential in the expansive consciousness of the soul, then our choices and their effects are limitless. I can do something imperfectly (according to the mind’s judgment) AND the presence of divine potential is still ever-present to guide me into my deepest fulfillment. Even a perceived mistake (according to the mind’s judgment), does not compromise, reduce, or in any way change the power, presence, and wisdom of divine potential in this moment. When we are willing to take that first step to open into divine potential, instead of closing from it, then we open into the direct experience of how divine grace is, has been, and will always be present to hold, inspire, guide, and love us into the realization of our highest dreams. May this be the year that we take that step away from the limitations of the mind, as we dive into the freedom of divine grace within and around us right now! 

Join us at Blue Lotus Center onsite (Wednesday evenings only) and online (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Experience a time of meditation, study, contemplation, and divine remembrance in a spiritual community devoted to realizing and thriving in our innate peace, love, and wisdom. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Kriya Yoga Meditation Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

January 14, 2024

In One Quiet Moment
Paula Whang-Ramos

To receive guidance, one must cultivate a quiet mind.” ~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian Daily Inspiration 01-04-24

Have you ever noticed how our minds can sometimes be filled with inner chatter, endless thoughts, and emotional reactivity? In the Bhagavad Gita 6:34, Arjuna, who represents us, says, “The mind is unstable, troublesome, strong, and obstinate; it seems to be as difficult to control as the wind.” How can we quiet these obstinate minds? 

Thankfully, Krishna, Divine indwelling wisdom, tells us that we can learn to quiet the mind “by yoga practice and nonattachment” (Bhagavad Gita 6:35). The foundational yogic practice of meditation is instrumental in quieting the mind. In meditation, we focus our attention on a single point, such as the breath. When the mind wanders away from the breath, we simply return it to that single point of focus. In kindness and patience, again and again, we return to that single point. Eventually, thoughts settle. The mind may quiet for just a moment, but in that moment we get a glimpse of our true Self and our inner Krishna wisdom.

At Blue Lotus Center, we learn and practice ancient, time-tested meditation techniques that enhance our ability to go deep into meditation. As we continue to practice, we learn to quiet the restless mind and rest in the moments of tranquility and calmness that naturally arise. In time, we notice that the peace of meditation follows us into our daily activities, even when we’re not actively meditating. Connecting with our true Self unveils the inner peace, wisdom, and joy of the soul that is with us, as us, at all times.

Join us at Blue Lotus Center onsite (Wednesday evenings only) and online (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Experience a time of meditation, study, contemplation, and divine remembrance in a spiritual community devoted to realizing and thriving in our innate peace, love, and wisdom. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Kriya Yoga Meditation Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings. 

​​January 7, 2024

Balance, Life, Work
Paula Whang-Ramos

“Meditation, silence, the company of those who are spiritually awake, uplifting conversation with others on the path,
 turning away from restless activity, letting go of desire for results—this is the way to increase peace in one's life.”

~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian, Daily Inspiration 1-1-24

“Work, life, balance” is a popular lifestyle choice in our culture. As we step into this new year, I invite us to consider an alternative way of living: “Balance, life, work”. As Yogis, we do not attach to our jobs or life circumstances to define ourselves, our values or our highest life priorities. Instead, we learn to live from the inner compass of the soul to keep us balanced in the limitless wholeness beyond perceived earth life limitations. 

In this tradition of Kriya Yoga, meditation helps us discipline our distracted minds so we can hear deeper wisdom revealed in our inner silence. As we realize the impact of our relationships and conversations (with others and ourselves), we make more intentional choices about the people and topics in which we choose to engage. With continued Yogic study, we learn to redirect the mind away from restless attachments, as we return again and again to the path of our inner spiritual balance. And, over time, criticism gives way to compassion, frustration gives way to faith, and gratitude and joy emerge where fear and limited thinking used to reside. Now, wouldn't this be a fabulous way to live into 2024? Yes, it would! Join us at Blue Lotus Center and consciously step into the spiritually inspired, divinely balanced life you deserve this year!

Join us at Blue Lotus Center onsite (Wednesday evenings only) and online (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Experience a time of meditation, study, contemplation, and divine remembrance in a spiritual community devoted to realizing and thriving in our innate peace, love, and wisdom. Contribute to the realization of peace in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Kriya Yoga Meditation Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.