October 30, 2017
Experience the Power of a Meditation Community
Paula Whang-Ramos
"Let us encourage one another with spiritual friendship, conversations that are uplifting, and remembrance of our sacred purpose in life."
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian
When we meditate together, the group energy enriches our individual practice. It's like the way that the harmonic vibration of a choir can inspire us to hum our individual rendition of the same song. Similarly, the collective energy in group meditation can call us into the indwelling peace that flows within us all, even when we are meditating in the privacy of our own homes. And, like a choir, our individual presence in a meditation group also contributes to the overall harmony in the group.
At BLC, we are blessed with many opportunities to support and be supported in the energy of Oneness experienced in group meditation:
Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center. Return, rest and live in the divine peace, love and wisdom that indwells you. Learn and experience universal spiritual Self-care practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.
October 23, 2017
Join Us! CSE Meditation Sit-a-thon Invitation
Paula Whang-Ramos
"In superconscious meditation, dwell in silence and drink from the holy well.”
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian
Experienced meditators know the exponential power of peace and clarity experienced when individuals meditate in a group. Beginning and experienced meditators can directly experience this grace by participating in CSE's annual 21-day Meditation Sit-a-thon. This year the theme is “Breathe. Meditate. Smile…21 Days of Transformation”.
BLC community members are invited to join the Blue Lotus Center's Meditation Sit-a-thon team (CSE community members are invited to join a CSE team of your choice). Be part of our extended CSE family to raise the collective consciousness for peace, hope and good in our own lives, in our families and in the world now. Join us for this fun, consciousness expanding fund raiser. You may participate by:
As a BLC sitathon team member, you can set up your own individualized web page, where your friends and family can personally connect with you and make tax deductible donations to support your 21-day commitment to meditation, peace and hope. Useful links to daily guided meditation videos with Yogacharya O’Brian, research articles on meditation, and many useful meditation tips are also provided.
Once your webpage is set up, you may invite people to sponsor you. You can use/edit any of the sample email invitations at http://cultivatecompassion.myevent.com/ or draft your own. And don’t forget to use social media to spread the word.
To sign up for the Blue Lotus Center team, go to:
Select “Be a Participant”
Under “Type of Registration” select “Join a Team” and from the drop down select “Blue Lotus Meditation and Yoga Center”.
Fill in the required fields and enter your monetary goal.
Click “Submit”.
Need help? Assistance setting up your page will be available at BLC on Wednesday, November 1st, after meditation group.
SAVE THE DATE: To celebrate the beginning of this year’s Sit-a-thon, join us for a Meditation Retreat Day on the 28th from 9:30 am to 2 pm in the CSE Temple (1146 University Ave, San Jose). Lunch will be provided so please pre-register at SIT-A-THON Registration.
* Please sponsor BLC team members! 50% of all donations raised by the BLC team will be shared with BLC! Please be sure to note "BLC" on the memo line of your check donations, so BLC can receive your abundance. Thank you.
Thank you for your support on all levels for the cultivation of peace for all.
October 16, 2017
Let Wisdom Guide Your Will
Paula Whang-Ramos
"Our direction in life is set by our power to choose. Let wisdom guide your will."
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Ancient yogic teachings remind us of the divine power that enlivens our thoughts, words and actions. And, we are blessed with the power to choose which thoughts, words and actions we will use to express our lives. The choices we make, consciously and unconsciously, impact the direction of our lives and the footprint we leave on all life. Infused with divine power, we are gifted with the opportunity to use our presence to bless, support, and offer gratitude for life.
In divine wisdom, we realize that we are not powerless victims of unexpected change. Even during challenging times, we are still empowered with the choice to compassionately process these changes, as we source our guidance from the indwelling, unchanging peace, love and wisdom that Spirit is, and that we are. When our choices are guided by this Source of power, we can consciously use our thoughts, words and actions to accept, grow and heal through all earthly circumstances. Join us this week at BLC, as we use our divinely powerful presence to consciously cultivate and generously share peace, hope and wholeness within ourselves and all life.
Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center. Return, rest and live in the divine peace, love and wisdom that indwells you. Gift yourself a time of Self-care, meditation, inspiration and uplifting fellowship with other sincere seekers. Learn and experience universal spiritual Self-care practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.
October 9, 2017
Peaceful Mind and Body
Paula Whang-Ramos
"Practice discernment. Choose thoughts, words, and actions that contribute to spiritual awakening.
A peaceful mind and healthy body are treasured vehicles for the journey of spiritual awakening.
Learn to care for them wisely. Instead of asking: Do I want this?
Ask: Will this contribute to health and well-being?"
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Have you noticed how our own negative thoughts, words and actions increase our own mental stress and tense bodies? We may initially attribute our distress to another person's behavior or a distressing news story. However, in truth, those outer influences did not choose our inner reactions. Consciously or unconsciously, we did. How can we get back on track to live in the highest way? By asking and living deeper spiritual questions
Will this contribute to health and well-being? What Self-care is needed for me to rest, remember and live from my own inner wholeness? How can I use my thoughts, words and actions to serve peace? These spiritual questions can return our consciousness to the Source of wellness within where we can reclaim our indwelling divine wisdom, power and presence. From this empowering perspective, we can open into possibilities for Self-care that support the peace, wellness and highest good of all.
Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center this week and gift yourself a time of Self-care, meditation, inspiration and uplifting fellowship with other sincere seekers. Learn and experience universal spiritual Self-care practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.
October 2, 2017
Be Positively Amazed!
Paula Whang-Ramos
"What has amazed you recently? I mean in a positive way...
Self-discipline is about looking, seeing, and cooperating with Life's amazing tendency to thrive."
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
I love this question that Yogacharya asks in the Dharma 365! study program. It reminds me how easy it is to be amazed at the unsettling, concerning events unfolding in our country. And, when I judge those events from this negative perspective, then my own negative filters can override my ability to witness and be nourished by the divine grace and Wholeness that is ever-present, omnipresent, even through challenging times.
Yoga is the return to the essential Wholeness that enlivens all life as we know it. In our tradition of Kriya Yoga, Self-discipline is the spiritual practice of redirecting our thoughts, words, actions and energy back to the power and presence of Wholeness within and around us. Yogacharya describes Self-discipline as doing what pleases the soul. When we allow ourselves to be inspired and guided as a disciple of the soul's joy, then our vision of wholeness expands, our out-breath freely releases un-useful thoughts, our hearts open, and we can intuitively feel the Divine breathing Its inspiration, hope, and Oneness within us again.
If you're ready to live from a deeper peace, power and clarity than the ongoing negative chatter of the day, then I encourage you to check out Dharma 365! using the link below. Participants can join throughout the year and grow at the pace of grace. Dharma 365! is filled with very rich, powerful and practical spiritual teachings to ground and guide us in the peace, love and wholeness of the soul. Share the journey in spiritual community as part of the Dharma 365! online discussion group and BLC monthly contemplative group. You'll be positively amazed.
Return to peace. Join us at Blue Lotus Center this week and gift yourself a time of meditation, inspiration and uplifting fellowship with other sincere seekers committed to living in spiritual freedom and peace. Learn and experience universal spiritual practices to return to peace now. Affirm the inner call to cultivate peace in our minds, hearts, families, community and our world. The Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds. Beginning and experienced participants from all traditions are welcome at all gatherings.
Blue Lotus
Meditation & Yoga Center:
CSE south county meditation center
Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208 • paula@bluelotuscenter.org • Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA 95020