Copyright 2014. Blue Lotus Meditation Center. All rights reserved.
408-842-0208 • • Dry Creek Village, 8347 Church Street, Gilroy, CA 95020
Blue Lotus
Meditation & Yoga Center:
CSE south county meditation center
“If anything disturbs your peace, practice having faith that divine grace is already actively at work restoring wholeness and well-being.
Then make any necessary adjustments in harmony with that insight.”
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
June 27, 2021
Rising In Divine Potential
Paula Whang-Ramos
"We are all called to rise in great and small ways throughout our life.
We never know the extent of our divine potential until a time or a situation arises that requires it to come forth."
~ Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, 07/21/2019
In the United States, we are re-entering our communities after 15 long months of sheltering in place. Before we hurry back to our friends, our families, and our favorite community locations, can we all give ourselves compassionate permission to just stop and take a breath? Can we enjoy a cup of tea in the silence of a cozy chair or a very slow walk in nature? We have all been so busy sheltering, isolating, adapting, and now re-integrating. For the highest good of all, including ourselves, we all deserve time in conscious contemplation before we go rushing back into the world.
Because, what if the way in which we are called to rise in this incredible moment in history is not by doing more, but by being more? Amidst all that we have lost, can we see the remaining space in our lives as a divine invitation to listen and live more deeply from the inside out? What do we really want in our lives? Do we want more clarity about the real purpose of our lives, inner courage to live more authentically, peace and joy more resilient than our every changing reactions to daily life?
We can realize this time of enormous change as an opportunity to mature beyond old habits, so we can rise into our divine potential. Even seemingly small shifts in our consciousness can open us into a clarity, wisdom, and divine possibility that indwells us right now. In patience and compassion, join us at Blue Lotus Center for a time of meditation, contemplation, and inner listening as we rise into a new way of being.
Study, meditate and grow with others devoted to thriving in peace, love, and wholeness. Make this the year that we affirm and skillfully live in peace - in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.
June 20, 2021
Abide in the True Self
Paula Whang-Ramos
"Lack of Self-awareness causes a mistaken sense of Self."
~Yoga Sutra 2:24
Many of us enjoy a good movie that takes us on a journey of mystery and adventure and then returns us safely to our seats at the film's end. It can be very entertaining to be swept into the film's story as we are temporarily lifted out of the daily details of our lives.
However, when we allow ourselves to be swept away by the stories in our minds, we actually contribute to our suffering. Instead of directly experiencing the divine presence in the moment, we perceive life through the biased filters of our thoughts, opinions, and memories. We may even blame external factors, such as another person or circumstance for our current internal experience. In so doing, we further disempower ourselves by looking outside ourselves for the unshakable inner happiness and peace that can only be experienced from within.
The study and practice of Yoga involve UN-learning who we mistakenly thought we were. We come to realize that we are not our experiences, regardless of how dramatic they are. We are not our opinions, thoughts, or even our memories. In yoga consciousness, we learn to experience, return and live from the essential Wholeness that enlivens all of life, including every one of us. When we do get swept away by the mind's stories, emotions, and reactions, Yoga shows us the path and practice to return to and live from the higher true Self. In the Self, we can remember who we are as we can enjoy the mystery and adventure of our lives from a broader wisdom, deeper clarity, and more authentic joy.
Study, meditate and grow with others devoted to thriving in peace, love, and wholeness. Make this the year that we affirm and skillfully live in peace - in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.
June 13, 2021
The Key to Inner Peace and Prosperity
Paula Whang-Ramos
"We all have available to us the storehouse of spiritual principles that can meet every need.
When it is unlocked through right understanding, taken out, and put into practice,
it brings peace and prosperity to our days."
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian, 06/29/2020
I appreciate this reminder that, right here, right now, we have all we need to live fabulously fulfilling lives in Wholeness. And, on a deeper level, I hear the calling of being "teachable" as a key to unlocking our inner access to this deeper abundance.
When we live from the "smartness" of the mind, we may be less teachable because we think we already know what is true, and therefore we believe we have nothing to learn. If we mistake a powerful thought or emotion for deeper spiritual wisdom, then the inner door to this divine storehouse remains locked.
When we become teachable, we are willing to grow beyond the temporary discomfort of letting go of our mentally comfortable habits, as we live into what is divinely possible. We realize that our very smart minds do not know the deeper Truths that lead to freedom. We become intentionally willing to surrender into the spiritual knowing beyond the mind's comprehension.
From this deeper understanding, every life circumstance can become a divine opportunity to experience our innate wisdom and joy. We can find wisdom in our mistakes, courage in our course corrections, and compassion in making amends as we refine our spiritual consciousness. And the more deeply we learn and authentically live spiritual principles and practices, the more deeply we enter into the storehouse of peace, gratitude, and prosperity that can bless and inspire all areas of our lives. As many of our communities re-open this week, wouldn't this be a useful way to return?
Study, meditate and grow with others devoted to thriving in peace, love, and wholeness. Make this the year that we affirm and skillfully live in peace - in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.
June 6, 2021
Living In Unconditional Joy
Paula Whang-Ramos
“God is joy beyond joy—unconditional joy. This eternal joy is our lost treasure.
It is hidden within the heart and awaits discovery in this very moment.”
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian, 05/27/2021
A foundational Truth in all wisdom teachings is that divine, unshakable joy indwells us all. And yet, over the past 15 months, the light of this innate spiritual quality may feel like it was hidden under the bushel of unbelievable change, incredible challenge, and heartbreaking loss due to COVID-19 and other life events. Even today, COVID-19 continues to devastate communities around the world.
In the USA, we are experiencing an overall decline in the incidence and mortality rate of COVID-19, an increase in vaccinated people, and the gradual re-opening of communities. As we witness the rebirth of life expressing in so many ways, we can give ourselves permission to choose divine joy. Even in the face of what was lost, we can allow soul joy to guide our minds into divine possibility of what remains and what is yet to be.
As we emerge from our physical shelters, it is my personal intention and prayer for all, that we return within to the indwelling shelter where the eternal light of healing, deep inner peace, unconditional joy, wisdom inspired clarity and even gratitude waits to be expressed through us. This inner return can restore us and guide us into the new normal yet to be revealed as we return into our communities. From this inner wholeness, we can pray for the highest Wholeness of all who still suffer, as we hold them in Divine Love. Will you join me as we shine our inner lights into this unique time of divine possibility?
Study, meditate and grow with others devoted to thriving in peace, love, and wholeness. Make this the year that we affirm and skillfully live in peace - in our minds, our hearts, our families, our community, and our world. Blue Lotus Meditation & Yoga Center welcomes sincere seekers from all backgrounds.